Thursday, June 1, 2017

Is it a big loss really if US pulls out of the #ParisAccord? Not, in my opinion. It will definitely hamper and delay the positive work going on to tackle #ClimateChage.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Celebrate #WorldSparrowDay online with +babulfilms 
World Sparrow Day 2017 by Babulfilms
Join the ONLINE FaceBook EVENT to save the sparrows. 
Here you can find links to 10 #Facebook pages, choose any page as per your interest. 
Clicking that page link will take you to that page. 
There you can make posts related to #birds as per the topic of that page 
For eg. Cartoon BioCartoons 
Movie titles BioCinema
Dialogues BioDialogues
Proverbs BioProverbs  
place names Bioplaces Names of Places with Animal Bird Tree Etc in them
Logos BioLogos
Stamps BioStamps
Songs BioSongs
Names/Surnames BioNames
Facts about birds BioFacts etc.,
Remember Awareness is the first step for conservation 
Apart from making a post [ plain text or with picture ] you can also react to an existing post
by LIKEing COMMENTing SHAREing. 
Please don't forget to tag a friend along with a request to do the same.
#ICT4advocacy #Ecoawareness

Sunday, February 12, 2017


You are welcome to suggest an Ecoword that you want to add to this Environmental Dicitonary in video format. just mail us at or owhatsapp call +919618082288